(Just a quick back story) If you know anything about me its that I live that fish tank life. I have lived it since I was about 8 years old and we did a science project where you made a terrarium out of cut up two liter bottles with guppies being in the bottom water section. From their I've had all different kinds of tanks and fish all being freshwater. 4 Days before thanksgiving 2016 a buddy of mine offered me a 36 gallon bowfront saltwater tank for free because his mom was sick of the upkeep. I didnt think I could be any more about that Tank Life than I already was but once i got to salt THE SICKNESS REALLY KICKED IN.
Tank was in rough shape, dirty, overstocked, high nitrates, hair algae, a tang suffering from HLLE. My Original plan was to keep the one salt and keep my 60 gallon setup with oscars.
Fucking beautiful right? Ya. Well the more interested i got in all the things you could do with a marine aquarium compared to fresh got me bored with my oscar tank. From there I decided to get rid of the oscars (they were way to big for that 60 gallon anyway) and just set up ONE BIG BEAUTIFUL salt aquarium.
Originally I wanted a 75 gallon with a 40 gallon sump. Then i wanted a 90 gallon, then i found this 120 DD.
Nearly creamed myself when i saw it. Duel overflows, marineland LED light, 30 gallon sump, the most absurd amount of algae I had ever seen, ect. I knew I had found my tank.
The night we got it to my house and set it up in my living room I sat down and thought "holy shit what have i done. This thing is wayyy too big."
(found out after i put the tank on the stand that you can only get the sump out through the top. Normally 10 mins of cleaning this tank turned into an hour)
From here I had to empty enough water from the 36 gallon to move it outa the way so i could center this big boy right against this wall.
(floor was leaning so bad i had to quickly stick a piece of 1x4 under just one side of the tank)
Then i slid 120 into place.
This was just a quick backstory about why and how we got here. next blog we will be getting into the nitty gritty of how to safely support around 1500 of water in your living room.
Week two of setup: Extra support for the floor joists, Plumbing, Filling with water.