Hidden Gem in this protester video.
Today I bring you a video I found on the interweb that I think most of you would enjoy. Though only a few short minutes the story is bursting with conflict, characters and resolution. I know there is about a million videos of people online embarrassing themselves on both sides of the protest but this one truly deserves some praise. Lets dive right on into it.
Crybaby protesters nearly run over.
Truly a lot going on in this video. Lets start with the conflict by examining the situation at hand. Looks like a few protesters blocking off a small intersection. Cars are blocked and ultimately a bus is forced to stop its scheduled route.
Political affiliations: F
Ninja Costume C-
Not Bad Ninja costumes but these guys are not nun-chukin bad ass mofos. They are whiny bitches who can't decide if they are going to be political revolutionaries or hike the nearest peak and retreat to a night of seasonal vegetables and craft brew. It seems like most people just want to dress up and be apart of something.
Holy shit. I have never seen more self restraint than from that bus driver. As soon as that kid said "DO NOT JOKE ABOUT HITTING PEOPLE" I would have laid my foot on the gas pedal so damn hard I would have busted a hole in the floor. I guess that is why I do not drive a city bus.
Here we get to the real GEM of the video. I think we may need to call the Red Sox because I found them one hell of a third base coach. This guy in the red and black hat really knew how to round the boys around the corner like a base runner. They came in charging full speed ahead and knocked those silly protesters down something proper.
Big ups to this police right here. The lady in the front is the definition of "head on a swivel". I love how the whole crew came down like a stampede of wildebeests. That is how you fucking do it. No more talking it out and giving in to ridiculous demands. The general population is fed up with bullshit protest groups that have zero idea of what they are trying to accomplish. Hopefully next time they protest in front of a steamroller that jumps into gear randomly.
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